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Road Rocket
Crazy cat
14 posters

    Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review


    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 12th May 2009, 4:55 pm

    get my kind of after market led thing, its ultra bright, enough to light your complete cabin

    Posts : 518
    Location : Delhi

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  abhinavgupta 12th May 2009, 5:23 pm

    napster wrote:thakss coolboy, i spent a lot on this thing, im gonna spend more, as of now, im sure my m800 is the best in the whole oof my state, no other idiot would have spent soo much on an m800,:lol!:.
    my ice
    Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review - Page 2 Dsc01711

    Hawt Ride Napster.

    P.S. Neither they look good. Nor they sound good.
    If installing two subs, both should be the same.

    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 12th May 2009, 5:25 pm

    i got this thing done years ago and at those times this was mind blowing, now this is nothing,
    i agree with the look facttor and that is why im going to change the subs, and where as the sond thing, they are pretty good

    Posts : 157
    Location : calicut

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  fihast 12th May 2009, 5:51 pm

    @napster cool upgradations on u'r m800, just went back to my higher secondary days when i had this 5 speed cyprus blue(2001) thing with me, best thing i loved in it was the freedom to drive anyway and anywhere with good FE(20kmpl). seeing this thread just went back to those good old days. kinda nostalgic feeling. loved that car so much

    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 12th May 2009, 6:19 pm

    thanks fihast,more to come, next on list is a jbl sub, ill change the complete ice
    you had a m800 before?? you sold it off now??

    Posts : 157
    Location : calicut

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  fihast 12th May 2009, 6:34 pm

    yeah, back in 2001 used it for about 3 years and then had to sell because we had an alto also then, which is maintained tiil day.
    and my first car was too a m800 DX 1995 model, and what i would say about it is that "Good drivers are made by m800", It woke the driver in me. in all sense, (learned a bit of repairing too from it).

    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 12th May 2009, 7:47 pm

    lol, good to hear that, i have learnt a lot from my m800, i am gonna make it a vintage

    Mod: Kindly avoid using SMS lingo. Thanks.

    Last edited by raj_5004 on 12th May 2009, 8:17 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : SMS lingo)

    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 16th May 2009, 12:33 am

    today at 12:00 midnight while i was on my way back home from the air port, some one threw a cracker on car and it fel right on my windshield and it exploded, and the result was that, my front glass got cracks all around it, here is the pic, can any one tell me how much would a new glass cost?
    Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review - Page 2 Dsc00010
    Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review - Page 2 Dsc00011

    Posts : 579
    Location : Mumbai

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  raj_5004 16th May 2009, 9:45 am

    wh would someone throw a CRACKER???? :x

    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 16th May 2009, 9:46 am

    i have no idea, it just fell on my windshield and it exploded, an idea how much would it cost?

    Posts : 579
    Location : Mumbai

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  raj_5004 16th May 2009, 9:48 am

    no idea about the 800 buddy! i guess it would be around 2000-3000.

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    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  Vibhor 16th May 2009, 10:31 am

    Oh, Sad to hear about your car's windshield case napster, Really, How can someone throw a cracker on car! :frustration:
    I'll let you know about its price by today.


    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 16th May 2009, 10:40 am

    im soo badly pissedoff with this windshield thing, it was 12:00 midnight and who might be soo idiotic to burn crackers at that late hour?? :x :frustration:

    Posts : 1812
    Location : Ahmedabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  thackervijay 16th May 2009, 11:49 am

    what the hell man, why would someone do that , i dont have issues with crakers at any time but why to throw on someone. :x , i guess it would cost around 2500-3000.

    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 16th May 2009, 2:49 pm

    im very mad at the situation which happened with my ride, im in a very bad mood, on my nerve!!!!

    Posts : 184
    Location : New Zealand

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  Zal 16th May 2009, 3:46 pm

    You should have found out who did it and beat the hell out of them.... :suspect:

    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 16th May 2009, 5:18 pm

    dude, its 12:00 midnight and i could hardly find any human around dude, if i would have found any, i would have kicked ***** for doing this :x
    Crazy cat
    Crazy cat

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    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  Crazy cat 16th May 2009, 7:27 pm

    Oh! that's real sad event. 800's windscreen is one of the cheapest, guess it should be around 3000rs(with installation)
    Road Rocket
    Road Rocket

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    Location : India

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  Road Rocket 16th May 2009, 8:12 pm

    Don't know whats the thinking of people nowadays that they can thro a burning cracker on once car and that too at midnight! 8O


    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 16th May 2009, 8:36 pm

    sorry about using that word in my previous post, was in a very bad mood, thanks for sensoring it,

    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 17th May 2009, 12:22 am

    i enquired about the windshield, and it will cost around 2300-2600, i will go get the glass from the supplier, AIS supplier, and get it tinted first and then get it fixed from the same guy so no fixing charges, LOL

    Last edited by raj_5004 on 17th May 2009, 8:22 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : SMS lingo not allowed)

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    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  Vibhor 17th May 2009, 10:07 am

    It would be better if you get this job done from Windshield Experts, Those guys are really "Experts"! :)


    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 17th May 2009, 10:29 am

    the thing is, if these tinting guys make some faults and break the glass by any chance during fitting the glass, they will repalce it with a new one for free, so no tension, if a mechanic breas it while installation, it again becomes a hole in my pocket

    Posts : 2754
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    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  Vibhor 17th May 2009, 10:32 am

    napster wrote:the thing is, if these tinting guys make some faults and break the glass by any chance during fitting the glass, they will repalce it with a new one for free, so no tension, if a mechanic breas it while installation, it again becomes a hole in my pocket
    :lol!: Thats actually true!


    Posts : 1777
    Location : Hyderabad

    Smile Re: Maruti 800 DX, 5speed - 55,555.5kms review

    Post  napster 17th May 2009, 10:34 am

    first time when i got my glass tinted, the tint had some small foldings on the left corner which were hardly visible, i got that to the owners notice and he dint take money fro me for the tint at all, i later went and got the tint changed, that time he took out the glass, tinted it and then installed it, the installation was proper so this time i chose him again

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