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    Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!


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    Thumbs down Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!

    Post  Vibhor 26th April 2009, 10:54 pm

    Hello All!

    As you all will be aware that TAI's Safety Week is going on, So here are some Tips & Facts which you need to know, So check out -

    First, some facts

    • Nearly 11,000 passengers aged 16 to 19 were killed or injured in accidents in 2004.1
    • 151 teenage drivers were killed on the roads in 2003.2
    • Speeding is a contributory factor in over 30% of accidents.3

    Road accidents can happen to anyone, not just new drivers. And they do happen everywhere, every day – even to the most careful drivers.

    Newly qualified drivers are more likely to have accidents, simply because they are less experienced. One in five new drivers has some sort of crash in their first year of driving.4

    Don't worry – here are plenty of things you can do to reduce the risk.

    Buckle up
    Wear your seat belt, even if you're just popping down the road to the shops. Accidents happen at very low speeds too.
    Buckling up reduces the risk of death by 45 to 50%!

    No need to speed
    A staggering 70% of drivers admit to speeding, which is especially dangerous in busy and built-up areas.6
    If you're in a car with someone who is going too fast, just tell them you're feeling sick. No one wants to have someone throw up over their dashboard.

    Cheers for not drinking

    Everyone knows about 'Never drink and drive', and yet there were over 15,000 drink-drive casualties in total in 2004.7 There is only one way out, just keep to the iron rule and get a lift when you want to drink.

    Say no to pressure

    It's fine to give people a lift home if you feel okay and safe about it, but don't let friends pressure you into packing in five people late at night. Call them a taxi or let them take the bus.

    Switch on

    There are enough distractions on the road as it is. Fiddling with the stereo, eating, texting or chatting on the phone all take up more of your concentration than you might realise. So switch off and switch on.

    Now The Tips,

    Around 34,000 people are killed or seriously injured a year in road accidents and statistics show one in five newly qualified drivers will have a crash within a year. It doesn't have to be you. Here are the best safety strategies to keep you 100% road-safe.

    Start with the basics

    Always belt up. Wearing a seat belt halves your chance of being seriously injured or hurt in an accident. Make sure your passengers wear a belt too – it's worth remembering that in a crash at 30mph an unrestrained passenger in the back of your car will hit your seat with a force of between 30 and 60 times your own body weight.2

    Studies estimate that use of seat belts by back-seat passengers would prevent one in six deaths of front seat passengers.3

    Check your speed

    Slow down, especially in busy areas, as this reduces your chances of having an accident. Not speeding gives you more time to take action to avoid impact, and decreases the chance of you losing control, particularly through skidding.4 Simply put, your speed can make a huge difference when you have an accident – like the difference between an inconvenient prang and a full-blown tragedy.

    Speeding contributes to 40,000 serious injuries and 1,000 deaths a year.5

    When it's dark, park

    Tired, distracted, and unused to driving late at night? Most accidents happen between midnight and 6am, and teenage male drivers have 17 times the accident risk of males aged 20+.6 If you do need to drive at night, take extra care.

    An estimated 300 people a year are killed where a driver has fallen asleep at the wheel.7

    Avoid risky behaviour

    As tempting as it is to drive fast, attempt scary road tricks to impress friends, or mix drink and/or drugs with driving, all you're doing is upping your chances of causing and being in an accident.


    Male drivers under 25 had the highest incidence of failing a breath test after being involved in a road accident in which someone was injured.8

    Keep your eyes peeled

    Inexperience is a major cause of road accidents so always drive defensively. Watch the road ahead, behind, and from side to side and give yourself time to stop, time to make the right decision and time to slow down.


    More than two-thirds of all accidents in which people are killed or seriously injured happen on roads where the speed limit is 40mph or less.


    Last edited by Vibhor on 8th May 2009, 7:51 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Posts : 1812
    Location : Ahmedabad

    Thumbs down Re: Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!

    Post  thackervijay 27th April 2009, 9:54 am

    thats a nice information buddy, also gr8 move by TAI regarding awareness.

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    Thumbs down Re: Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!

    Post  Vibhor 27th April 2009, 11:21 am

    Thanks vijay, This is a small initiative by TAI and we look forward for more such events in future, Also we hope you and other members will fully participate in the event. :)


    Posts : 77
    Location : Kolkata

    Thumbs down Re: Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!

    Post  car-o-static 27th April 2009, 5:37 pm

    All i would like to say is that
    There are no big fat rulebooks for traffic rules...all you need to do is keep your eyes open.

    Posts : 83
    Location : New Delhi

    Thumbs down Re: Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!

    Post  coolboy007 27th April 2009, 9:18 pm

    Good work friend.The only forum where this thing is particularly mentioned. These small basics look silly but many times we forget to even follow these.

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    Thumbs down Re: Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!

    Post  Vibhor 28th April 2009, 10:58 am

    Thanks coolboy, We hope more people join us for this cause, You can also check about TAI road Safety Week on IAB -

    Posts : 425
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    Thumbs down Re: Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!

    Post  swapszone 28th April 2009, 8:15 pm

    Thanks. This should help

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    Posts : 157
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    Thumbs down good work

    Post  fihast 28th April 2009, 10:13 pm

    good job.
    Let's all join hands..for sharing the knowledge of safety..for an accident free tomorrow.

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    Thumbs down Re: Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!

    Post  Vibhor 29th April 2009, 11:54 am

    Thanks everyone for such a good response! :cheers:

    Road Rocket
    Road Rocket

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    Thumbs down Re: Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!

    Post  Road Rocket 30th April 2009, 1:18 pm

    Excellent tips, I will also post some and other should also!C'mon everyone! :)


    Posts : 680
    Location : Kolkata

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    Post  dcargod 7th May 2009, 2:16 am

    Driving is an art and on this busy planet, one of the few pleasures left to human beings. This is a very rare kind of pleasure which makes you feel in control of everything. But that does not mean that we exploit this pleasure to the limit where it becomes a headache for everyone. We should all join hands and instill safe driving norms into ourselves.

    I have posted some driving rules in
    Crazy cat
    Crazy cat

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    Thumbs down Re: Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know!

    Post  Crazy cat 7th May 2009, 10:03 am

    Apart from these facts, your response to avoid obstacle play a leading role in your safety. It is the way how you avoid a collision and how you use your brakes. Never cut the vehicle to the sides. I'll provide a good example for this below. Hope the pics visible, as it is from my mobile camera.
    Road Safety Tips & Facts you need to know! 1002010
    This Dzire had met with an accident in order to avoid a collision.Learn to control your speeds, if you don't then don't go to high speeds. You must be in a speed to avoid a collision with just braking and little efforts to the steering wheel. Plan well as you drive.

    PS: The bus was not involved in accident. It was actually turning to right and the Dzire was blocking its way. So the bus driver was reversing again and again to turn and that's why we were waiting.

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